Top 5 Parques Nacionales de España

Los parques nacionales de España son algunos de los más hermosos en Europa. Hasta la actualidad, el país cuenta con quince parques distribuidos en el área continental, en las Islas Baleares y en las Canarias. Cada uno de ellos forma parte de la Red de Parques Nacionales de España y han sido creados con el objetivo de proteger la flora y la fauna que en ellos habitan.
La visita a estos espacios es una experiencia inolvidable que te permitirá entrar en contacto con la naturaleza, olvidarte de la tensión que genera la vida en la ciudad y aprender más sobre la conservación de las especies. Seleccionar el parque más bello o más interesante es una tarea difícil, sin embargo, para este top hemos escogido cinco que te harán alucinar.
Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada
Encabezando esta lista se encuentra el parque más grande del país, el Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada. Ubicado en Andalucía dentro del Parque Natural que lleva el mismo nombre, cubre un espacio de casi 87 mil hectáreas que van desde Almería hasta Granada. En él, se encuentran las elevaciones más grandes del país y de la península ibérica: el Pico Mulhacén y el Veleta.
La flora que resguarda el parque incluye un centenar de especies en peligro de extinción y otras muy peculiares como es el caso de la estrella de las nieves. Por esta razón, te recomendamos la visita a alguno de los jardines botánicos de la sierra. La observación de estas plantas se conjuga con otras actividades muy divertidas que debes probar con tus amigos: esquí, paseos en trineo, escalada y para los más atrevidos el parapente. Estas opciones hacen que la visita al Parque se convierta en un recuerdo memorable.
Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido
Este espacio fue declarado como Parque Nacional el 16 de agosto de 1918, de esta forma, constituye el segundo más longevo de España. Se encuentra ubicado en el Pirineo oscense en la comunidad autónoma de Aragón y en el año 1997 fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO.
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In its landscape come karst deserts and wide valleys that give the park incredible contrasts between arid lands and lush forests. Likewise, in its relief there are high peaks, the highest being Monte Perdido with approximately 3300 meters above sea level.
The schedule of the park varies according to the time of year. Between June 1 and October 30, it is open to the public from Monday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 4:15 p.m. to 7 p.m. The rest of the year only does it until Friday between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. The entrance is free and has multiple accesses, which is why we recommend that you check the park page to know which one to take, once you decide which area to visit.
Doñana is a magical and memorable place that was declared a National Park in October 1969. Located in Andalusia, it is made up of a system of trails that allow you to explore the beaches, cliffs, marshlands and other areas of the park. In turn, you can contemplate the flora and fauna that is protected in the area. For example, it serves as a refuge for the famous Iberian lynx and more than 120 species of birds.
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Hiking is not the exclusive activity of the park, on the contrary, there is a wide range of options. Some of the most interesting are the bicycle tours through several routes prepared for it, the navigation on board the Fernando Real Ship, the bird watching or the visit to the most extensive virgin beach in the country. However, the activity most in demand is the route known as classic visit, through which you can discover the wonders of the Park in about four hours. Whichever option you choose, we recommend you book it in advance.
Garajonay National Park
Since 1981 Garajonay is one of the National Parks of Spain located in the Canaries, specifically in the center of La Gomera. It stands out for conserving a type of ecosystem characteristic of the Tertiary Era known as Canary Laurisilva. That is, if you visit it, you will travel in the history of nature 65 million years ago. Based on these elements, in 1986 UNESCO declared the park a World Heritage Site.
You can discover the treasures that the park houses through its 18 routes that vary in complexity and duration. One of them has been prepared so that wheelchairs can travel through it, thus allowing access for disabled people. Also, there is the option to book guided tours through other trails, remember to do it in advance.
National Park of the Sierra de Guadarrama
Finally, we suggest a visit to the National Park of the Sierra de Guadarrama that stretches between the Spanish capital and Segovia. It is one of the largest parks in the country and the youngest since it was declared as such, in 2013. However, its majesty is comparable to the oldest parks.
It is an extensive mountainous system that hosts plant and animal species typical of several ecosystems, among which the high mountain stands out. In this way, you can discover pines, oaks, oaks that serve as a refuge for many mammals and birds. In the middle of this biodiversity are located different attractions for visitors. For example, we recommend the viewpoints arranged in several areas to better enjoy the views offered by the mountains.
The park offers a wide range of activities that you can enjoy as a family: hiking, mountaineering, bicycle trips, among others. Also, you can plan your stay in the park thanks to the different types of accommodation, restaurants and recreational places that have been built to facilitate the stay of visitors.
These extraordinary parks are some of the most attractive places in Spain. In them you can enjoy nature, have a nice time or live incredible adventures with your family and friends. Do not miss the opportunity to visit them.
If you are planning to visit Spain in 2021 or later, you should know that people who do not need a visa to enter the country, to do so and stay in the territory for up to ninety days must submit a new permit. It is not an exclusive regulation of the Iberian country, but extends to all countries that belong to the Schengen area. It is known as ETIAS Europe permit and must be requested through email with a cost of 8 euros for adults. It is valid for three years, but if the passport expires, you must renew it.
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